This week has been very intense and stressful, and most things I've done have been concentrated about WINOL, interviewing, reporting, camera skills etc. So when I woke up this morning I decided to have a more relaxing day, but I still wanted to do something productive. So, I took my pen, my blank note book, three million rubbers and sat down.
The adventure started when I opened my well dusty shorthand book. But unfortunately, my so far gained knowledge was not present today.
Aim: to improve my Teeline skills - which is very much needed.
Outcome: a pile of used rubber and a few swear words.
It's not that I can't discipline myself to do it. I quite enjoy it, when I understand what I'm supposed to do and how it all works. But when I can't really puzzle together and master the skills of the language built up on tiny symbols that connects to everything and nothing, I get frustrated. Guess this is the same with everything when it comes to learning. But I want to be able to use it now already. Preferably yesterday.
It always take a
I am sure I will eventually master the language of busy journalists who do not have time to use the language we've once been taught - it's just a matter of time, a very long time...
teeline is the bain of my life. Which i had stuck with it last year boo hoo
Bra med bilder, det gillar alla! :) Saknar dig! Försöker knaggla mig igenom det du skriver, men du är så duktig så jag tror inte riktigt att jag fattar. ;)
Have a good one!
Hop, teeline is everyones pain in the ass. Maybe we should develop a language that only you and me understand. Would make journalism so much ... more interesting?
Mickis, jaa jag har precis lärt mig hur jag fifflar med bilder :) Tack för att du kommenterar ibland. Hoppas du kikar ofta. Det är bra för tittarsiffrorna ;)
Jag kollar in så fort jag kommer ihåg! Du kan väl påminna mig lite då och då så kollar jag in varje dag.
hoopppas skolan går bra då. :)
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