First story I covered, that went on air, was about being homeless in Winchester and what the councils and the government are doing in general to handle the numbers of people sleeping rough. More than 500 people got turned away in 2008 from Winchester Churches Nightshelter, and manager, Michele Price, let's us know what they are experience through cooperating with the local council etcetera. A very interesting story where my views on society changed quite a lot, and also made me realise how organisations like this do incredibly much to be able to help the sometimes forgotten ones in society.
The following week I got trapped in the middle of a news story as a car smash happened right in front of the bus I was travelling in. Unfortunately I did not have any technical equipment with me and couldn't record anything, but was able to get in contact with the news room and get a few reporters out on the road to cover the story. I felt really excited, at the same time as I felt sick. A very weird thing but a very good learning experience. Instead, I covered the Christmas Lights being switched on in Winchester and from this I made a little interview with the people involved in getting this all together and angeled it with the huuuge amounts of money being spent each year to get this up and running. Quite interesting as I just a few weeks earlier explored the decline of money wihtin organisations that deal with major society issues such as homelessness and now finding this amounts of money going into sparkling lights...
I also managed to produce a report on how Winchester has been affected of the unemployment during the ongoing recession, and I interviewed Martin Tod and Steve Brine and got their views on the job climate as well as the publics. Interesting, but hard to find a proper nice angle, it's much easier to do that with fluffy news!
A period of time where I have learnt a LOT! But it seems I have still got some more work to do before I can feel 100% pleased about my contributions to Winol - if 100% ever will be reached as a journalist.. I think not..