Monday, 25 January 2010

What does it mean?

Can anyone explain to me what this means? Thanks!


Anonymous said...
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Glenn Hutt said...

Maddie, ALR is your Alex Rank, which means your blog is 3390077th in the world! Rank 1 is like the spiders rating of your site, 10 is the highest but 1 is pretty good for us at the mo! The rest is explained on Chris' blog...

Glenn Hutt said...

Sorry, Alexa* rank :)

Madeleine Klippel said...

Thanks, all these new technological expressions and figures make me head spin around lol. Will probs get there in the end. How does the 'spider rating' get higher then? I want a 10 :P

Glenn Hutt said...

Haha! You'll be lucky if you get your blog to 6, but hey! 2 is rele good! It's kinda like how useful your blog is for the world! A PR 1 will be closer to page 1 on goggle than a 'rival' blog that is a PR 0, and PR will be higher than PR 1...and so on!...