Why I do enjoy this course so much is due to the fact that we are not only focusing on writing articles regulated by a fatal error system, just like it works in the real world - we do also focus on the different types of journalism that exist in our multimedia society today. Like I've mentioned earlier (see previous blogs) we run Winol (Winchester News Online) every week, which is 100% student run, and with this we get excellent training in the everyday work that a journalist does once out on the field. This covers everything from finding stories and contacts, get to the place where the action is, interview and record it on your own with the equipment we have been trained to use before finally putting it all together to a news package that will be seen every Wednesday at 5pm on our website.
Thanks to all this training and a lot of opportunities that have come up during the time we have been working with this I have managed to get lots of new contacts and a very useful insight in how it actually works out being a journalist in the UK - which is extremely stressful and hard work, but a great lot of fun!! I am very happy with my choices for this course, and journalism definitely is my cup of tea.
I think 2o1o is gonna be the best decade so far for journalism. Basically due to all the different ways in which multimedia moves, and thanks to all the new chances and opportunities that open up for us, the younger journalism generation, over the Internet, through blogs and other public bodies online, which enables us to stretch out and reach more people now already, even before we are graduated. I think this decade is gonna rock multimedia journalism!
What a positive start of the semester Maddie:o) Multimedia is indeed taking over Journalism and we are quite lucky to have our course structured in the way it is. As you said, we get a complete insite onto numerous types of Journalism and that will certailny open more doors on the market for us. By the time we have graduated the recession is predicted to have eased sagnificantly and that brings even better perspectives for our class. We should all stay positive and try our best to use the training provided as if we are to learn on our mistakes this is the time for it.
2010 has a bright start and lets keep it that way:o)
What a positive start of the semester Maddie:o) Multimedia is indeed taking over Journalism and we are quite lucky to have our course structured in the way it is. As you said, we get a complete inside onto numerous types of Journalism and that will certailny open more doors on the market for us. By the time we have graduated the recession is predicted to have eased sagnificantly and that brings even better perspectives for our class. We should all stay positive and try our best to use the training provided as if we are to learn on our mistakes this is the time for it.
2010 has a bright start and lets keep it that way:o)
Well there are too many cynical people with a negative attitude to life and the changes that come with it so I guess someone need to keep the positive attitude up! I hope you feel satisfied with your role for Winol! I absolutely do! In a weird way I feel like I will miss being a VJ ... I never thought I'd say that :)
I have a good feeling about 2010 - the economy is picking up, I've got the course pretty much in the shape I want now. The HCJ thins is coming together really well. It is going to be a great year I think
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