So third year is kicking off with some more WINOL action. This year we're joined by the second year students, and we are an even bigger team working with our weekly bulletin than we were last year - so potentially we can expand, improve and be an even better success than last year! With extra resources, we will also expand on features and make this an area just as intense and exciting as the news area.
When I myself started off my secon
d year I had basically no camera and editing skills and therefore WINOL couldn't take off until middle of October last year, and we all lost out on precious time where we could have produced material for bulletins, if we had only had the experience. This year the second years already have the technical skills and only after the first week of the semester we're off producing material. Very exciting and a lot of fun to be working with the new guys just joining our team.
This semester my role is chief news reporter. Sounds very fancy. Maybe. It b
asically means that I am the one supposed to cover the main stories of the week - hopefully I can turn them into good reports and be able to top the bulletins with them.. Expectations, expectations, expectations.. Should be lots of fun!

For the news meeting Monday morning I had a story idea I was eager to go for. Seeing that Primark opened in Winchester yester
day, I wanted to cover this event but not turn it into a puff piece - rather find out how local businesses look ahead on the future with such a massive low price company in town - would they potentially face a hard time loosing out on customers because of this? As Monday morning went on, we decided to pass on my story to one of the second year students Jack, as he was not assigned to anything, and seeing it is a dummy week we decided it is better the second years get the camera and editing training so they're all ready to go when the live version kicks off next week. So I ended up helping the news reporters out with filming, sound issues, editing skills and other tips and tricks I have come across throughout my last year working as a news reporter for WINOL.
I guess it's only Tuesday and too early to predict how this weeks bulletin is going to turn out, but I feel confident and hope that the reporters taking on this weeks stories realises how important it is to keep track on time, on all the technical things and practical things at the same time while putting your piece together. It is not an easy job, and I hope we all realise this during this week so that next week will be a success for us all.
Tip of the day: Save your editing in Final Cut every second. You don't want it to freeze on you. Again.
Thank you so much for helping me with my news package, the picture is great and the sound perfect (or at least I believe it is ... we'll hear the comments tomorrow!)
You've been really helpful Maddie! :)
Thanks :) Anytime. Seeing we all need to work together as a team, it makes sense to help one another out so we all comfortable with what we're doing!
Good luck with it all!
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