The bulletin as a whole had a good balance to it with hard stories about tuition fees, international students and problems they face in Winchester, and the fluffier stories highlighting the Queen in Southampton and WINOL winning BJTC innovation award. A good mix with lighter and darker stories, and of course also the sports, which contributed to a well nuanced bulletin.
Mistakes that aren't allowed to happen, but did happen : Spelling mistakes! Spelling is a fact. A name, a place, anything you can prove is a fact and this cannot be misspelled. If it's a fact, check it or leave it out. Those are your only options. So misspelling three team names in a sports graphic is not acceptable...
One of the big things we're trying to keep an eye on is our Alexa rating- this tells us how big an audience we've got and how frequently our website is visited, and how it compares to other websites. Something that would spur us on even more would probably be a rival that works in a similar way as we do on a similar scale, so we could compare ourselves to how other organisations the same size as us get on out on the Internet - because after all, if there's no audience, no one knows you exist - and therefore you sort of non-existing...
We still have to work on our links and scripts and how we tie these together to make the package even better and especially tighter. With a tighter script the story is easier to understand for the viewer and the package as a whole seems to run smoother than it would with lots and lots of information that don't really connect to the core of the story. So, focus on what we actually want to tell - on the actual news! Remember, news is about people doing things.
Don't forget the W's;

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